1-2 May 2009
Teaching English in
A good quality of English teaching is a prerequisite in all education levels. Those who get involved in English teaching should update the newest issues in order to fulfill both academic and practical needs. This is to assure that the learning will reach its ultimate success.
The topics dealing with the matter will be addressed by some experts of TEFL. This will be supplemented by a lot of papers written by practitioners from high schools and universities sharing their knowledge and experience in learning practices and researches in various contexts and background.
The conference puts a main theme of Teaching English as Foreign Language, divided into some sub themes:
v Cultural Factors in TEFL
v Method and Media for TEFL
v Researches on English and its teaching
v Teaching English For Young Learners
v Literatures in English Teaching
v Computer Assisted Language Learning
v Other related topics
Invited Speakers
Prof. DR. Bambang Kaswanti Purwo (Catholics
DR. Jufrizal, M.Hum (
DR. Furqanul Aziz, M.Pd. (
Abstract in 250-300 words should be sent to as an attachment, bearing name, institution affiliation, phone number, and postal address.
The paper must be :
v Original and has not been presented anywhere else.
v 5 pages including the recent bibliography.
v Paper size: A4
v Program: MS Word
v Font : Times New Roman 11 pt
v Margin Left: 2½ cm, right – up – bottom = 2 cm
v Space: single
Important Dates
March 25, 2009: deadline of abstract submission
March 30, 2009: notification of acceptance
April 25, 2009: deadline of paper submission
April 25, 2009: deadline of registration
April 27, 2009: deadline of presentation material
May 1-2, 2009: conference days
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